Hearing loss questions and answers
At Campbell Hearing Solutions, our audiologists are happy to answer any questions our clients may have about hearing loss. We’ve listed some of the most common questions we receive about caring for hearing and related devices. If you have another question for us, call our Pialba or Maryborough offices today.

A. Hearing loss usually begins gradually with very little discomfort or pain. There are some general questions you can ask yourself or a family member to help determine if there is a loss of hearing. These include:
- Do you struggle following conversations between more than 2 people?
- Do you experience ringing or buzzing in your ears?
- Do you often ask people to repeat themselves?
- Do you have trouble hearing in crowded places?
- Do you have the TV or radio volume louder than normal?
- Do you have difficulty hearing what is said when not facing the speaker?
If you are still unsure about the extent of your hearing loss, make an appointment for a hearing screening today
A. A hearing aid assists in helping you to hear softer sounds that you may not have heard before and helps prevent loud sounds from causing discomfort. You may also see some added benefits to your lifestyle, such as:
- Confidently maintain social interactions
- Assist with cognitive & communication skills
- Help in being more alert to your surroundings
- Ease in understanding when in noisy environments, meetings or general conversation
A. Just like other devices, hearing aids can break and require regular maintenance. Some of the common problems of hearing aids include:
- Inconsistent performance
- Sound being distorted or unclear
- Hearing instrument not loud enough or not working at all
Through daily cleaning and regular servicing, these problems can be solved. Removing earwax, proper storage and avoiding use in water or near hair dryer/spray, you can help extend the life of your hearing aid.
A. While your ears can clean themselves, some ears can tend to produce more earwax than usual. Excess build-up may cause discomfort and possible hearing lost. Signs of earwax buildup or impaction includes:
- Odour
- Itching
- Ringing
- Increase in coughing
- Pain, fullness or a plugged sensation in your ear
You may able to remove earwax using softening agents that are sold over the counter. However, if any of the symptoms above persist, we recommend booking an appointment for ear wax removal.
A. After your child was born, they would have had a hearing screening to assess their hearing in the first few weeks of their life. In the early years of their life, they will indicate they can hear from:
- Becoming quiet when listening
- Understanding simple directions
- Looking at the direction of a sound
- Beginning to imitate words & sounds
- Turning their head towards sounds or voices
- Being startled or widen their eyes at sudden noises nearby
You should look also for the following signs:
- They talk loudly
- They appear inattentive
- They are prone to daydreaming
- They don’t respond when called
- They pronounce words incorrectly
- They watch TV with the volume up too high
- They complain about a ringing sound in their ears
- Their school grades are suffering because they can’t hear the teacher
If you suspect your child may have hearing problems, book a children’s hearing assessment at our clinic.